Tuesday, August 19

Technology Hype Cycle


For the uninitiated, please read more dope on the Hype Cycle.

Just came across this diagram, I thought that I might share this with you :)

What I would like to highlight here is that, Web 2.0 is going to go for mainstream adoption within the next 2 years (assuming that Gartner has done their homework), and it is about to hit the Trough of Disillusionment.

Are we to see another dotcom bust?

PS - Advice for freshers about to choose their careers, go towards ERP, EAI, BI side ... or towards storage and hardware side.


ANKUR said...

"go towards ERP, EAI, BI side ..."
sir what exactly does that mean??

Unknown said...

hi Ankur, that means for moving towards enterprise systems would enable you to have a more stable career.

ANKUR said...

sir i needed a suggestion if u don't mind...i am in 4th yr of engg now ..and i got selected for iflex and infy..
wat kind of work should i expct..??
and what do u sgst me for my job and all??
hwz the company...??
where else should i try...??

Unknown said...

Ankur, go ahead with Infy for a more secure job, structured and easy life. Go with iFlex for a more exciting life.