Saturday, July 19

Sacred Underworld

Well, I downloaded the expansion pack as well ... and the installation of the same nearly killed my machine!! But the refined game is much better, the item drops are much more ... with 2 more character classes and more missions and more areas. I want longer weekends where I could play this game!! I also want to play this on Multiplayer!! I wonder if I could get my fiance hooked onto it, so that post marriage, we can play this on the LAN!!!

Please honey?!? - The trials and tribulations of an over-aged gamer and his family :-)


Harshaja Ajinkya said...

Sure Darling though im not a Gamer as u..i can try playing it :)

Hypnos said...

aww... how romantic!

get a room the two of you...

Unknown said...


Harshaja Ajinkya said...

U should listen to ur frnds ;)

Unknown said...

So, when you are married, you would rather sit on a LAN together than on a love seat? Kida, I think we both need to have a loooooooong chat.

Dr. Mane, You can send the thanks to my personal id. :-)

On the other hand, you can get a Wii and a Wii Fit, and play that together. Still trying to persuade Prithi to let me buy it though. :D

Unknown said...

Will try the Wii, but do u really think post marriage its going to be LAN gaming :)

And, keep the loooong chat for your kid!

Unknown said...

You mistook me when I said "loooooooooooong chat". I wasn't talking about the birds and bees, but about what marriage really is for the male-kind. Just don't tell Prithi what I might tell you. :)

Unknown said...

lol ... kal sandhyakali tujha fone hota ka??

Harshaja Ajinkya said...