At eYantra Ind Ltd, we have a very nice culture of weekly pooja. Every Friday evening, the employees assemble in front of the office's devghar and the pooja begins. This rite is performed by our Accounts manager (I do not think its just a coincidence!), Mr. Koteswara Rao. Personally speaking, I like this weekly rite being a god fearing person myself.
Today, while I was talking to one colleague on this, he informed me that many Indian corporates are into this, a lot of SMEs, and some big ones like Satyam as well. He then went on to inform me that his friend does this for a living!! He goes to Satyam every week, and they have set up this employee pooja fund, which is given to the pujari as dakshina! And a pretty decent amount at that. So true, how many of us do take the time to do a small pooja every day? Its not surprising then that many of us dont even know how to proceed when its needed. My daily ritual consists of a simple incense stick and a small prayer, but for formal occassions, I would definitely want one Corporate Pujari for myself!!
Interesting business no? In fact a friend of a friend has launched a business of his own just on this theme. Its known as Sacred Moments, wherein he supplies to individuals and businesses with kits for occassions like these. Looks like some people are into Corporate Karma after all.
God-"fearing"? Why are you afraid of god kida?
Anyways, not much time before the likes of Deepak Chopra would move into this space. They're already delivering corporate spirituality lectures...
@Sharma - There is a word for the likes of you .. no, not atheist :) ... its smart alec :-P
The entire series of self help books authors can enter this field!!
Law suits will start flying left, right and center if this happens in USA.
:)) ... I am out of their jurisdiction :-)
Its just that you are showing you are affiliated with a certain religion (or for that matter any religion) and hurt the sentiments of other religion-practitioners (or atheists).
Hence the lawsuits.
My god. So I cant even display that I am affiliated to a certain religion!! Shucks, Aina, tere des mein kya kya hota hain :-P
you can display which religion you support, just that you can't make it a part of the work life. Then you are forcing it on people even if it is an optional thing.
hmmm ... so u cant practice namaaz in the work place ;)
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