So the life in IT-Rawksdom (the kingdom where Foo lives) seems to go smoothly, everything is on schedule, the resources are showing good utilization, variable pay is coming high and mighty and everyone is happy.
But Lo! and behold!! What do we have here!! The evil multi-headed monster called as Scope change creeps up behind the mighty heroes, and plans to throw the lands of IT-Rawksdom in disarray! The heroes caught unawares feel like helpless maidens frozen in terror of the oncoming assault.
Now is the time to show true valor. To stand together and say up front that no!! The monster should not enter this land, and if it so chooses, then there should not be any violence.
And if there is violence, then do not ask me to fight thy battles! The monster backs down ... slowly pacing the entrance of the kingdom ... waiting for a chance to strike.
The adventures of the Foo, the IT Super hero will continue.
illustrations! illustrations!!
the era of the text-based RPG is over!
i aint no artist to do illustration :-) .. use your imagination please :-) .. and if you read carefully, you can see through the lines!!
butterfly effect ishtyle?
kinda! a dejavu feeling ...
m sure he wil b wearing thick rimmed glasses...has to b a gaming freak...
hahaha.. sahi bola jitu :-) .. glad to c u around here!
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