Sunday, March 15

I am the walrus

Got tagged by Sudhir, so here goes. Umm, sorry for responding kinda late :-)

Instructions read: Using only song *titles* from one artist, cleverly answer these questions

Pick a band/artist: The Beatles

  1. Are you a male or female: This Boy
  2. Describe yourself: I’m the Walrus
  3. How do you feel about yourself: Free as a bird
  4. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Glad All Over :)
  5. Describe your current boy/girl situation: Hallelujah, I love her so
  6. Describe your current location: Nowhere Man
  7. Describe where you want to be: Strawberry Fields forever
  8. Your favorite color is: For you Blue
  9. You know that: All things must pass / We can work it out
  10. What’s the weather like: Rain
  11. If your life was a television show what would it be called: With a Little Help from my friends
  12. What is life to you: That means a lot
  13. What is the best advice you have to give: Act Naturally
  14. If you could change your name what would you change it to: Doctor Robert

I tag – Amit, Baba, Ankit, Ashish, Abhishek


Harshaja Ajinkya said...

Verrryy Innovative!

Sudhir Pai said...

I was in a dilemna, to choose between the Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel. he he!
I'm the walrus! nice!

Unknown said...

Thanks :) - For me it was between Chemical Brothers/Pink Floyd and Beatles!! Beatles won :)