Thursday, July 10

Knowledge Value Cycle

Note - Had to edit this, renaming the model from Chain to Cycle. See the comments. Thanks Amit.

I was reading a friend's blog about how he has decided to have a mission for his blog. Immediately in the comments, I put in that along with a mission, one should also have a vision to know where the mission is going. Now, while suggesting a good looking and smart sounding mission and vision, I came up with this term - Knowledge Value Chain (I wont edit the comment on Biggie's blog). I do not claim to have invented this, since a quick google showed me that the term is already used and abused many times over. So heres one more to the count.

Small explanation:
The cycle is divided into six stages, with the ultimate stage or goal of knowledge is to be the guru, the one, the yin on that subject. Look at our education system for example, that should tell us how this process goes ... initially we do only rote (remember those horrid 10th and 12th exams??) ... as we go into graduation, the awareness increases, we start listening and finally understand that theres more to knowledge than rote (try doing Hearn & Baker of graphics or Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein or any other thick book for that matter) ... next comes the phase where you actually start learning yourself (that would be during your post graduation or job where there is no one there to teach you or learn from) ... post which you become comfortable at internalizing a lot of information in a go ... once it is internalized, you say ... "hey, this stuff is awesome!!" ... you want to spread the word ... write blogs, talk with friends about it ... you become an evangelist. People start looking up at you ... they start saying ... "yeah! he knows stuff" ... you become a teacher.

Of course the process can be extended into a heightened form of knowledge cycle ... thats when the teacher learns from his students. Interaction.


The Big K said...

I don't know what to say, but all I know is people who come up with buzzwords and new management lingo are called "Management Guru".

:-) . Maybe years down the line, I'll tell about this post to my kids while explaining the KVC thing to them.

Thanks for everything, Kidakaka!

Hypnos said...

Interesting, but it's not KVC, it's KLC - knowledge life cycle

Unknown said...

@biggie - always welcome :), we can tell the next generation how innovation happens .. through mutual collaboration :)
@amit - chain hain, i have yet to incorporate the feedback cycle.

Anonymous said...

now we need to map this against various fields of study and draw an individual knowledge map :)

Anonymous said...

Good value information. But I frankly don't believe in the KVC thing. Neither do I believe in the Mission Vision Bullshit. (Excuse me for the audacity but I feel it leads you no where)

Anyways, missed you at the CE meet.

Mayur Pathak

Unknown said...

Sorry for not talking over the phone the other day. Will give a call sometime this week! :-)

Unknown said...

@don - Wow!! customized knowledge maps to tell me exactly what i know. Introspection to the next level

@mayur - no hard feelings re :), a lot of people dont, I didnt, except that I have seen what can happen if the leaders do not have a vision and a mission in mind. They lead their followers astray!! Think about it. As far as the KVC is concerned, we can talk about it later :-) .. say how about we start a KM thread on CE :-)

@aina - You were on vacation is it?

Unknown said...

Yes, I was on vacation. Had been taking my in-laws to various places. That weekend i was in the Big Apple.

Unknown said...

@ashish - the duties of a married man are varied :)

Hypnos said...

It's not a "chain" for the reason that a chain is a serious of different entities that receive something from the previous entity and pass on something to the next entity - like a supply chain, value chain.

A simple knowledge value chain could be: Teacher -> Student. The teacher passes something to the student, and the student receives something from the teacher.

If you're discussing stages of the same entity, it's a life cycle - don't worry about the "going to square 1" part - even in Product Life Cycle, the product does not go back to the introduction phase after its demise.

Unknown said...

Sahi baat hain .. Its a life cycle ... i stand corrected.